adjust_CCx(cc_prev, CCo, CCx, CGC, CDC, dt, tSum, Crop_CanopyDevEnd, Crop_CCx)
Function to adjust CCx value for changes in CGC due to water stress during the growing season
Reference Manual: canopy_cover stress response (pg. 27-33)
cc_prev (float): Canopy Cover at previous timestep.
CCo (float): Fractional canopy cover size at emergence
CCx (float): Maximum canopy cover (fraction of soil cover)
CGC (float): Canopy growth coefficient (fraction per gdd)
CDC (float): Canopy decline coefficient (fraction per gdd/calendar day)
dt (float): Time delta of canopy growth (1 calander day or ... gdd)
tSum (float): time since germination (CD or gdd)
Crop_CanopyDevEnd (float): time that Canopy developement ends
Crop_CCx (float): Maximum canopy cover (fraction of soil cover)
CCxAdj (float): Adjusted CCx
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aeration_stress(NewCond_AerDays, Crop_LagAer, thRZ)
Function to calculate aeration stress coefficient
Reference Manual: aeration stress (pg. 89-90)
NewCond_AerDays (int): number aeration stress days
Crop_LagAer (int): lag days before aeration stress
thRZ (NamedTuple): object that contains information on the total water in the root zone
Ksa_Aer (float): aeration stress coefficient
NewCond_AerDays (float): updated aer days
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biomass_accumulation(Crop, NewCond_DAP, NewCond_DelayedCDs, NewCond_HIref, NewCond_PctLagPhase, NewCond_B, NewCond_B_NS, Tr, TrPot, et0, growing_season)
Function to calculate biomass accumulation
Reference Manual: biomass accumulaiton (pg. 98-108)
Crop (NamedTuple): Crop object
NewCond_DAP (int): days since planting
NewCond_DelayedCDs (int): Delayed calendar days
NewCond_HIref (float): reference harvest index
NewCond_PctLagPhase (float): percentage of way through early HI development stage
NewCond_B (float): Current biomass growth
NewCond_B_NS (float): current no stress biomass growth
TrPot (float): Daily crop transpiration
TrPot (float): Daily potential transpiration
et0 (float): Daily reference evapotranspiration
growing_season (bool): is Growing season? (True, False)
NewCond_B (float): new biomass growth
NewCond_B_NS (float): new (No stress) biomass growth
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canopy_cover(Crop, prof, Soil_zTop, InitCond, gdd, et0, growing_season)
Function to simulate canopy growth/decline
Reference Manual: canopy_cover equations (pg. 21-33)
Crop (CropStruct): Crop object
prof (SoilProfile): SoilProfile object
Soil_zTop (float): top soil depth
InitCond (InitialCondition): InitCond object
gdd (float): Growing Degree Days
et0 (float): reference evapotranspiration
growing_season (bool): is it currently within the growing season (True, Flase)
NewCond (InitialCondition): updated InitCond object
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capillary_rise(prof, Soil_nLayer, Soil_fshape_cr, NewCond, FluxOut, water_table_presence)
Function to calculate capillary rise from a shallow groundwater table
Reference Manual: capillary rise calculations (pg. 52-61)
prof (SoilProfile): Soil profile named tuple
Soil_nLayer (int): number of soil layers
Soil_fshape_cr (float): Capillary rise shape factor
NewCond (InitialCondition): InitialCondition object containing model paramaters
FluxOut (numpy.array): Flux of water out of each soil compartment
water_table_presence (int): water_table present (1:yes, 0:no)
NewCond (InitialCondition): InitCond object containing updated model paramaters
CrTot (float): Total Capillary rise
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cc_development(CCo, CCx, CGC, CDC, dt, Mode, CCx0)
Function to calculate canopy cover development by end of the current simulation day
Reference Manual: canopy_cover devlopment (pg. 21-24)
CCo (float): Fractional canopy cover size at emergence
CCx (float): Maximum canopy cover (fraction of soil cover)
CGC (float): Canopy growth coefficient (fraction per gdd)
CDC (float): Canopy decline coefficient (fraction per gdd/calendar day)
dt (float): Time delta of canopy growth (1 calander day or ... gdd)
Mode (str): stage of Canopy developement (Growth or Decline)
CCx0 (float): Maximum canopy cover (fraction of soil cover)
canopy_cover (float): Canopy Cover
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cc_required_time(cc_prev, CCo, CCx, CGC, CDC, Mode)
Function to find time required to reach canopy_cover at end of previous day, given current CGC or CDC
Reference Manual: canopy_cover devlopment (pg. 21-24)
cc_prev (float): Canopy Cover at previous timestep.
CCo (float): Fractional canopy cover size at emergence
CCx (float): Maximum canopy cover (fraction of soil cover)
CGC (float): Canopy growth coefficient (fraction per gdd)
CDC (float): Canopy decline coefficient (fraction per gdd/calendar day)
Mode (str): Canopy growth/decline coefficient (fraction per gdd/calendar day)
tReq (float): time required to reach canopy_cover at end of previous day
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check_groundwater_table(prof, NewCond_zGW, NewCond_th, NewCond_th_fc_Adj, water_table_presence, z_gw)
Function to check for presence of a groundwater table, and, if present, to adjust compartment water contents and field capacities where necessary
Reference manual: water table adjustment equations (pg. 52-57)
prof (SoilProfile): soil profile paramaters
NewCond_zGW (float): groundwater depth
NewCond_th (ndarray): water content in each soil commpartment
NewCond_th_fc_Adj (ndarray): adjusted water content at field capacity
water_table_presence (int): indicates if water table is present or not
z_gw (float): groundwater depth
NewCond_th_fc_Adj (ndarray): adjusted water content at field capacity
thfcAdj (ndarray): adjusted water content at field capacity
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drainage(prof, th_init, th_fc_Adj_init)
Function to redistribute stored soil water
Reference Manual: drainage calculations (pg. 42-65)
prof (SoilProfile): jit class object object containing soil paramaters
th_init (numpy.array): initial water content
th_fc_Adj_init (numpy.array): adjusted water content at field capacity
thnew (numpy.array): updated water content in each compartment
DeepPerc (float): Total Deep Percolation
FluxOut (numpy.array): flux of water out of each compartment
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evap_layer_water_content(InitCond_th, InitCond_EvapZ, prof)
Function to get water contents in the evaporation layer
Reference Manual: evaporation equations (pg. 73-81)
InitCond_th (numpy.array): Initial water content
InitCond_EvapZ (float): evaporation depth
prof (SoilProfile): Soil object containing soil paramaters
Wevap_Sat (float): Water storage in evaporation layer at saturation (mm)
Wevap_Fc (float): Water storage in evaporation layer at field capacity (mm)
Wevap_Wp (float): Water storage in evaporation layer at permanent wilting point (mm)
Wevap_Dry (float): Water storage in evaporation layer at air dry (mm)
Wevap_Act (float): Actual water storage in evaporation layer (mm)
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germination(InitCond, Soil_zGerm, prof, Crop_GermThr, Crop_PlantMethod, gdd, growing_season)
Function to check if crop has germinated
Reference Manual: germination condition (pg. 23)
InitCond (InitialCondition): InitCond object containing model paramaters
Soil_zGerm (float): Soil depth affecting germination
prof (SoilProfile): Soil object containing soil paramaters
Crop_GermThr (float): Crop germination threshold
Crop_PlantMethod (bool): sown as seedling True or False
gdd (float): Number of Growing Degree Days on current day
growing_season (bool): is growing season (True or Flase)
NewCond (InitialCondition): InitCond object containing updated model paramaters
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groundwater_inflow(prof, NewCond)
Function to calculate capillary rise in the presence of a shallow groundwater table
Reference Manual: capillary rise calculations (pg. 52-61)
prof (SoilProfile): Soil profile parameters
NewCond (InitialCondition): model parameters
NewCond (InitialCondition): InitCond object containing updated model parameters
GwIn (float): Groundwater inflow
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growing_degree_day(GDDmethod, Tupp, Tbase, temp_max, temp_min)
Function to calculate number of growing degree days on current day
Reference manual: growing degree day calculations (pg. 19-20)
GDDmethod (int): gdd calculation method
Tupp (float): Upper temperature (degC) above which crop development no longer increases
Tbase (float): Base temperature (degC) below which growth does not progress
temp_max (float): Maximum tempature on current day (celcius)
temp_min (float): Minimum tempature on current day (celcius)
gdd (float): Growing degree days for current day
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growth_stage(Crop, InitCond, growing_season)
Function to determine current growth stage of crop
(used only for irrigation soil moisture thresholds)
Crop (Crop): Crop object containing Crop paramaters
InitCond (InitialCondition): InitCond object containing model paramaters
growing_season (bool): is growing season (True or Flase)
NewCond (InitialCondition): InitCond object containing updated model paramaters
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harvest_index(prof, Soil_zTop, Crop, InitCond, et0, temp_max, temp_min, growing_season)
Function to simulate build up of harvest index
Reference Manual: harvest index calculations (pg. 110-126)
prof (SoilProfile): Soil profile paramaters
Soil_zTop (float): topsoil depth
Crop (Crop): Crop parameters
InitCond (InitialCondition): InitCond object containing model paramaters
et0 (float): reference evapotranspiration on current day
temp_max (float): maximum tempature on current day (celcius)
temp_min (float): minimum tempature on current day (celcius)
growing_season (bool): is growing season (True or Flase)
NewCond (InitialCondition): InitCond object containing updated model paramaters
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HIadj_pollination(NewCond_CC, NewCond_Fpol, Crop_FloweringCD, Crop_CCmin, Crop_exc, Ksw, Kst, HIt)
Function to calculate adjustment to harvest index for failure of pollination due to water or temperature stress
Reference Manual: harvest index calculations (pg. 110-126)
NewCond_CC (float): InitCond object containing model paramaters
NewCond_Fpol (float): InitCond object containing model paramaters
Crop_FloweringCD (float): Length of flowering stage
Crop_CCmin (float): minimum canopy cover
Crop_exc (float):
Ksw (KswNT): Ksw object containing water stress paramaters
Kst (KstNT): Kst object containing tempature stress paramaters
HIt (float): time for harvest index build-up (calander days)
NewCond (InitialCondition): InitCond object containing updated model paramaters
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HIadj_post_anthesis(NewCond_DelayedCDs, NewCond_sCor1, NewCond_sCor2, NewCond_DAP, NewCond_Fpre, NewCond_CC, NewCond_fpost_upp, NewCond_fpost_dwn, Crop, Ksw)
Function to calculate adjustment to harvest index for post-anthesis water stress
Reference Manual: harvest index calculations (pg. 110-126)
NewCond_DelayedCDs (int): delayed calendar days
NewCond_sCor1 (float): canopy exapnsion
NewCond_sCor2 (float): stomatal closure
NewCond_DAP (int): days since planting
NewCond_Fpre (float): delayed calendar days
NewCond_CC (float): current canopy cover
NewCond_fpost_upp (float): delayed calendar days
NewCond_fpost_dwn (float): delayed calendar days
Crop (CropStructNT): Crop paramaters
Ksw (KswNT): water stress paramaters
NewCond (InitialCondition): InitCond object containing updated model paramaters
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HIadj_pre_anthesis(NewCond_B, NewCond_B_NS, NewCond_CC, Crop_dHI_pre)
Function to calculate adjustment to harvest index for pre-anthesis water stress
Reference Manual: harvest index calculations (pg. 110-126)
NewCond_B (float): biomass growth
NewCond_B_NS (float): biomass growth (no stress)
NewCond_CC (float): canopy cover
Crop_dHI_pre (float): Crop_dHI_pre
NewCond_Fpre (float): adjustment to harvest index for pre-anthesis water stress
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HIref_current_day(NewCond_HIref, NewCond_HIfinal, NewCond_DAP, NewCond_DelayedCDs, NewCond_YieldForm, NewCond_PctLagPhase, NewCond_CC, NewCond_CC_prev, NewCond_CCxW, Crop, growing_season)
Function to calculate reference (no adjustment for stress effects) harvest index on current day
Reference Manual: harvest index calculations (pg. 110-126)
NewCond_HIref (float): reference harvest index
NewCond_HIfinal (float): final harvest index to track effects of early canopy decline
NewCond_DAP (int): days after planting
NewCond_DelayedCDs (int): delayed calendar days
NewCond_YieldForm (bool): yield formation stage
NewCond_PctLagPhase (float): percent through eraly development phase
NewCond_CC (float): canopy cover on current day
NewCond_CCxW (float): max canopy cover during season accounting for any early senescence
Crop (CropStructNT): Crop paramaters
growing_season (bool): is growing season (True or Flase)
NewCond (NewCond_HIref): reference harvest index
NewCond (NewCond_YieldForm): yield formation stage
NewCond (NewCond_PctLagPhase): percent through early development phase
NewCond (NewCond_HIfinal): final harvest index to track effects of early canopy decline
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infiltration(prof, NewCond_SurfaceStorage, NewCond_th_fc_Adj, NewCond_th, Infl, Irr, IrrMngt_AppEff, FieldMngt_Bunds, FieldMngt_zBund, FluxOut, DeepPerc0, Runoff0, growing_season)
Function to infiltrate incoming water (rainfall and irrigation)
Reference Manual: drainage calculations (pg. 42-65)
prof (SoilProfile): Soil object containing soil paramaters
NewCond_SurfaceStorage (float): surface storage
NewCond_th_fc_Adj (ndarray): water content at field capacity
NewCond_th (ndarray): soil water content
Infl (float): Infiltration so far
Irr (float): Irrigation on current day
IrrMngt_AppEff (float`: irrigation application efficiency
FieldMngt (FieldMngtStruct): field management params
FluxOut (np.array): flux of water out of each compartment
DeepPerc0 (float): initial Deep Percolation
Runoff0 (float): initial Surface Runoff
growing_season (bool): is growing season (True or Flase)
NewCond_th (nunpy.darray): updated soil water content
NewCond_SurfaceStorage (float): updated surface storage
DeepPerc (float): Total Deep Percolation
RunoffTot (float): Total surface Runoff
Infl (float): Infiltration on current day
FluxOut (numpy.array): flux of water out of each compartment
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irrigation(IrrMngt_IrrMethod, IrrMngt_SMT, IrrMngt_AppEff, IrrMngt_MaxIrr, IrrMngt_IrrInterval, IrrMngt_Schedule, IrrMngt_depth, IrrMngt_MaxIrrSeason, NewCond_GrowthStage, NewCond_IrrCum, NewCond_Epot, NewCond_Tpot, NewCond_Zroot, NewCond_th, NewCond_DAP, NewCond_TimeStepCounter, Crop, prof, Soil_zTop, growing_season, Rain, Runoff)
Function to get irrigation depth for current day
Reference Manual: irrigation description (pg. 31-32)
IrrMngt_IrrMethod (int): irrigation method
IrrMngt_SMT (numpy.array): soil-moisture thresholds
IrrMngt_AppEff (float): application efficiency
IrrMngt_MaxIrr (float): max irrigation depth per event
IrrMngt_IrrInterval (int): irrigation event interval (days)
IrrMngt_Schedule (numpy.array): irrigation depth schedule
IrrMngt_depth (float): depth to apply next day
IrrMngt_MaxIrrSeason (float): max irrigation for the season
NewCond_GrowthStage (float): crop growth stage
NewCond_IrrCum (float): irrigation applied so far this season
NewCond_Epot (float): potential evaporation
NewCond_Tpot (float): potential transpiration
NewCond_Zroot (float): rooting depth
NewCond_th (numpy.array): soil water content
NewCond_DAP (int): days after planting
NewCond_TimeStepCounter (int): current simulation timestep
Crop (Crop): Crop paramaters
Soil (SoilProfile): Soil object containing soil paramaters
growing_season (bool): is growing season (True or Flase)
Rain (float): daily precipitation mm
Runoff (float): surface runoff on current day
NewCond_Depletion (float): soil water depletion
NewCond_TAW (float): total available water
NewCond_IrrCum (float): total irrigation aplpied so far
Irr (float): Irrigaiton applied on current day mm
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pre_irrigation(prof, Crop, InitCond, growing_season, IrrMngt)
Function to calculate pre-irrigation when in net irrigation mode
Reference Manual: Net irrigation description (pg. 31)
prof (SoilProfile): Soil object containing soil paramaters
Crop (Crop): Crop object containing Crop paramaters
InitCond (InitialCondition): InitCond object containing model paramaters
growing_season (bool): is growing season (True or Flase)
IrrMngt (IrrMngtStruct): object containing irrigation management paramaters
NewCond (InitialCondition): InitCond object containing updated model paramaters
PreIrr (float): Pre-Irrigaiton applied on current day mm
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rainfall_partition(precipitation, InitCond_th, NewCond_DaySubmerged, FieldMngt_SRinhb, FieldMngt_Bunds, FieldMngt_zBund, FieldMngt_CNadjPct, Soil_CN, Soil_AdjCN, Soil_zCN, Soil_nComp, prof)
Function to partition rainfall into surface runoff and infiltration using the curve number approach
Reference Manual: rainfall partition calculations (pg. 48-51)
precipitation (float): Percipitation on current day
InitCond_th (numpy.array): InitCond object containing model paramaters
NewCond_DaySubmerged (int): number of days submerged
FieldMngt_SRinhb (float): field management params
FieldMngt_Bunds (bool): field management params
FieldMngt_zBund (float): bund height
FieldMngt_CNadjPct (float): curve number adjustment percent
Soil_CN (float): curve number
Soil_AdjCN (float): adjusted curve number
Soil_zCN (float` :
Soil_nComp (float): number of compartments
prof (SoilProfile): Soil object
Runoff (float): Total Suface Runoff
Infl (float): Total Infiltration
NewCond_DaySubmerged (float): number of days submerged
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root_development(Crop, prof, NewCond_DAP, NewCond_Zroot, NewCond_DelayedCDs, NewCond_GDDcum, NewCond_DelayedGDDs, NewCond_TrRatio, NewCond_th, NewCond_CC, NewCond_CC_NS, NewCond_Germination, NewCond_rCor, NewCond_Tpot, NewCond_zGW, gdd, growing_season, water_table_presence)
Function to calculate root zone expansion
Reference Manual: root developement equations (pg. 37-41)
Crop (Crop): crop params
prof (SoilProfile): soilv profile paramaters
NewCond_DAP (float): days after planting
NewCond_Zroot (float): root depth
NewCond_DelayedCDs (float): delayed calendar days
NewCond_GDDcum (float): cumulative growing degree days
NewCond_TrRatio (float): transpiration ratio
NewCond_CC (float): canopy cover
NewCond_CC_NS (float): canopy cover no-stress
NewCond_Germination (float): germination flag
NewCond_rCor (float):
NewCond_DAP (float): days after planting
NewCond_Tpot (float): potential transpiration
NewCond_zGW (float): groundwater depth
gdd (float): Growing degree days on current day
growing_season (bool): is growing season (True or Flase)
water_table_presence (int): water table present (True=1 or Flase=0)
NewCond_Zroot (float): updated rooting depth
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root_zone_water(prof, InitCond_Zroot, InitCond_th, Soil_zTop, Crop_Zmin, Crop_Aer)
Function to calculate actual and total available water in the rootzone at current time step
Reference Manual: root-zone water calculations (pg. 5-8)
prof (SoilProfile): jit class Object containing soil paramaters
InitCond_Zroot (float): Initial rooting depth
InitCond_th (np.array): Initial water content
Soil_zTop (float): Top soil depth
Crop_Zmin (float): crop minimum rooting depth
Crop_Aer (int): number of aeration stress days
WrAct (float): Actual rootzone water content
Dr_Zt (float): topsoil depletion
Dr_Rz (float): rootzone depletion
TAW_Zt (float): topsoil total available water
TAW_Rz (float): rootzone total available water
thRZ_Act (float): Actual rootzone water content
thRZ_S (float): rootzone water content at saturation
thRZ_FC (float): rootzone water content at field capacity
thRZ_WP (float): rootzone water content at wilting point
thRZ_Dry (float): rootzone water content at air dry
thRZ_Aer (float): rootzone water content at aeration stress threshold
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soil_evaporation(ClockStruct_EvapTimeSteps, ClockStruct_SimOffSeason, ClockStruct_TimeStepCounter, prof, Soil_EvapZmin, Soil_EvapZmax, Soil_REW, Soil_Kex, Soil_fwcc, Soil_fWrelExp, Soil_fevap, Crop_CalendarType, Crop_Senescence, IrrMngt_IrrMethod, IrrMngt_WetSurf, FieldMngt_Mulches, FieldMngt_fMulch, FieldMngt_MulchPct, NewCond_DAP, NewCond_Wsurf, NewCond_EvapZ, NewCond_Stage2, NewCond_th, NewCond_DelayedCDs, NewCond_GDDcum, NewCond_DelayedGDDs, NewCond_CCxW, NewCond_CCadj, NewCond_CCxAct, NewCond_CC, NewCond_PrematSenes, NewCond_SurfaceStorage, NewCond_Wstage2, NewCond_Epot, et0, Infl, Rain, Irr, growing_season)
Function to calculate daily soil evaporation
Reference Manual: evaporation equations (pg. 73-81)
ClockStruct_EvapTimeSteps (int): number of evaportation time steps
ClockStruct_SimOffSeason (bool): simulate off season? (False=no, True=yes)
ClockStruct_TimeStepCounter (int): time step counter
prof (SoilProfile): soil profile object
Soil_EvapZmin (float): minimum evaporation depth (m)
Soil_EvapZmax (float): maximum evaporation depth (m)
Soil_REW (float): Readily Evaporable Water
Soil_Kex (float): Soil evaporation coefficient
Soil_fwcc (float):
Soil_fWrelExp (float):
Soil_fevap (float):
Crop_CalendarType (int): calendar type
Crop_Senescence (float):
IrrMngt_IrrMethod (int): irrigation method
IrrMngt_WetSurf (float): wet surface area
FieldMngt_Mulches (bool): mulch present? (0=no, 1=yes)
FieldMngt_fMulch (float): mulch factor
FieldMngt_MulchPct (float): mulch percentage
NewCond_DAP (int): days after planting
NewCond_Wsurf (float): wet surface area
NewCond_EvapZ (float): evaporation depth (m)
NewCond_Stage2 (float): stage 2 evaporation
NewCond_th (ndarray): soil water content
NewCond_DelayedCDs: delayed calendar days
NewCond_GDDcum (float): cumulative growing degree days
NewCond_DelayedGDDs (float): delayed growing degree days
NewCond_CCxW (float):
NewCond_CCadj (float): canopy cover adjusted
NewCond_CCxAct: max canopy cover actual
NewCond_CC (float): canopy cover
NewCond_PrematSenes (bool): prematurity senescence? (0=no, 1=yes)
NewCond_SurfaceStorage (float): surface storage
NewCond_Wstage2 (float): stage 2 water content
NewCond_Epot (float): potential evaporation
et0 (float): daily reference evapotranspiration
Infl (float): Infiltration on current day
Rain (float): daily precipitation mm
Irr (float): Irrigation applied on current day
growing_season (bool): is growing season (True or Flase)
NewCond_Epot (float): Potential surface evaporation current day
NewCond_th (ndarray): updated soil water content
NewCond_Stage2 (bool): stage 2 soil evaporation
NewCond_Wstage2 (float): stage 2 soil evaporation
NewCond_Wsurf (float): updated surface water content
NewCond_SurfaceStorage (float): updated surface storage
NewCond_EvapZ (float): updated evaporation layer depth
EsAct (float): Actual surface evaporation current day
EsPot (float): Potential surface evaporation current day
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temperature_stress(Crop, temp_max, temp_min)
Function to get irrigation depth for current day
Reference Manual: temperature stress (pg. 14)
Crop (Crop): Crop object containing Crop paramaters
temp_max (float): max tempatature on current day (celcius)
temp_min (float): min tempature on current day (celcius)
Kst_PolH (float): heat stress coefficient for current day
Kst_PolC (float): cold stress coefficient for current day
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transpiration(Soil_Profile, Soil_nComp, Soil_zTop, Crop, IrrMngt_IrrMethod, IrrMngt_NetIrrSMT, InitCond, et0, CO2, growing_season, gdd)
Function to calculate crop transpiration on current day
Reference Manual: transpiration equations (pg. 82-91)
Soil_Profile (SoilProfile): Soil profile params
Soil_nComp (int): number of soil components
Soil_zTop (float): depth of topsoil
Crop (Crop): Crop params
IrrMngt_IrrMethod (int): irrigation method
IrrMngt_NetIrrSMT (float): net irrigation soil-moisture target
InitCond (InitialCondition): InitCond object
et0 (float): reference evapotranspiration
CO2 (CO2): CO2
gdd (float): Growing Degree Days
growing_season (bool): is it currently within the growing season (True, Flase)
TrAct (float): Actual Transpiration on current day
TrPot_NS (float): Potential Transpiration on current day with no water stress
TrPot0 (float): Potential Transpiration on current day
NewCond (InitialCondition): updated InitCond object
IrrNet (float): Net Irrigation (if required)
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update_CCx_CDC(cc_prev, CDC, CCx, dt)
Function to update CCx and CDC parameter valyes for rewatering in late season of an early declining canopy
Reference Manual: canopy_cover stress response (pg. 27-33)
cc_prev (float): Canopy Cover at previous timestep.
CDC (float): Canopy decline coefficient (fraction per gdd/calendar day)
CCx (float): Maximum canopy cover (fraction of soil cover)
dt (float): Time delta of canopy growth (1 calander day or ... gdd)
CCxAdj (float): updated CCxAdj
CDCadj (float): updated CDCadj
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water_stress(Crop_p_up, Crop_p_lo, Crop_ETadj, Crop_beta, Crop_fshape_w, InitCond_tEarlySen, Dr, taw, et0, beta)
Function to calculate water stress coefficients
Reference Manual: water stress equations (pg. 9-13)
Crop_p_up (ndarray): water stress thresholds for start of water stress
Crop_p_lo (ndarray): water stress thresholds for maximum water stress
Crop_ETadj (float):
Crop_beta (float):
Crop_fshape_w (ndarray): shape factors for water stress
InitCond_tEarlySen (float): days in early senesence
Dr (Dr): rootzone depletion
taw (TAW): root zone total available water
et0 (float): Reference Evapotranspiration
beta (float): Adjust senescence threshold if early sensescence is triggered
Ksw (Ksw): Ksw object containint water stress coefficients
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